Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sick Day

It's a terrific warm spring day, and my little Luke is sick. He woke up feeling yucky and now seems to have deveoped a croupy cough. He'll just rest today and hopefully be back in action tomorrow. Also just lost his second tooth, but feels too horrible to spend his money from the tooth fairy right now. By tomorrow, hopefully, he will be begging to take a trip to Wal-Mart:-)

Doing lots of yard work and preparing to plant lots of things. Preparing for a scrapbook page on Trent receiving his learner's permit. Planning for Trent's 15th birthday party. Reading voraciously. Shopping online. Teaching children. Cooking and baking. Completing spring cleaning. Missing Carl while he's at work. Planning a new photography project that involves documenting our lives every day for a month, tentatively titled "A Month in the Life."

Spring is here, all three of my boys are lovely, life is good:-)

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