Friday, February 22, 2008

Still February, Still Cold!

It's still February, friends, and it's still so cold here in Nebraska! This has been a difficult week for me -- and for my family. I've been out of commission with an infection in my mouth. The short story is -- root canal redone, antibiotics, painkillers (a lovely thing), kids who want their mama back to normal, and a husband who has been a house-cleaning, dinner-cooking wonder this week! Thanks and love you:-)

Just a note about the homeschooling mamas I know -- you are a wonderful, energetic, smart, caring group of women. Lovely!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

February Thursday

It's Thursday, it's Valentine's Day, it's cloudy, but it's (relatively) warm! I left the boys to sleep in a bit so I could enjoy coffee and the paper at my favorite morning spot here in Nebraska City. I love coffee so much -- it's a lovely way to start my busy Thursday.

Thursdays are the days I feel like I'm running kids around from sunrise to sunset -- school, voices lessons, piano lessons, band class and soon, soccer practice. I do love Thursdays, but I definitely need coffee to help me prepare for the day -- it's my quiet time. Relaxing with coffee and the newspaper is my form of meditation:-)

Coffee links:



Next on my list of books to read:

The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs

Favorite quotes of the week from my boys:

Trent -- "Reading non-fiction is the coolest thing in the world."

Luke, explaining his inability to "teach" our cat, Sophie -- "I tried to do kitty school with her, but she ran away, so I guess we only do it in the summer."

LOVE these boys so, so much! They make me laugh so hard every day of my life:-) Lovely!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Preview

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, one of my favorite days of the year. I love the colors, the chocolate, the flowers -- all lovely things on a cold February Day. Valentine's Day 2001 was my most memorable. I found out I was pregnant with Luke -- what a beautiful surprise!

This year, Luke has been hard at work creating valentines, stamping cards and mailing things out to his grandmas. He LOVES the post office, putting on stamps, the whole mail experience! So lovely!

Trent loves the day too because it means chocolate, and if there is one thing Trent loves, it's chocolate. Plan to bake my sweet boys (Carl included) some chocolate brownies to celebrate the day.

Looking forward to next weekend when my friend Melissa drives up from K.C. for a girl's weekend. Of course, the boys consider her family, so they'll want to hang out with her too. Can't wait to see you Melissa!

Reading three new books at once:

The Nine by Jeffrey Toobin. A look inside the current Supreme Court and how recent political events are shaping the court.

Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld. A mom's cookbook with ideas for hiding pureed veggies (spinach, squash, etc. ) in foods like chicken nuggets and brownies. Loving this book!

New Selected Poems by Mark Strand. Former U.S. Poet Laureate, awesome wordsmith:-)

Monday, February 4, 2008

February, Finally!

It's finally February, and each day it's a bit closer to spring (and then summer). All of the snow we have been getting is melting quickly -- a lovely thing! Taught a scrapbooking workshop last weekend at our local library. Small group, great fun, delighful completed pages. It kind of amazed me once I had all of my supplies spread out over several tables -- I've been in the scrapbooking game for 11 years now! It all began as casual mom-chat at a park in Maryville, MO while my oldest son enjoyed a play date.

Eleven years later, I'm teaching classes. It's so amazing, rewarding and fun to document the big and little moments in our lives. As I've matured as a life artist, I've also matured as a photographer to the point that good photography is essential for every page I scrapbook. I take pictures of everything -- my kids/family, birds, flowers, my favorite places, anything. I want to remember everything in vivid color, and photography is a great, creative way to do so.

Presidential politics have been on our minds a lot lately, as a family. Watching the debates, looking at the polls, listening to the pundits. Soon we'll know what direction our country is heading -- hope it's the right one!

Here are my favorite links right now. Lovely!!!

Ali Edwards

Hula Seventy


Joslyn Art Museum -- Diego Rivera exhibit coming Fall 2008!!!!!!!

Rick Bayless' recipe for tomtillo salsa

La Paz, Mexico

When Asia Was the World -- non-fiction by Stewart Gordon I'm currently reading on Asia's "traveling merchants, scholars, warriors and monks."