Thursday, February 14, 2008

February Thursday

It's Thursday, it's Valentine's Day, it's cloudy, but it's (relatively) warm! I left the boys to sleep in a bit so I could enjoy coffee and the paper at my favorite morning spot here in Nebraska City. I love coffee so much -- it's a lovely way to start my busy Thursday.

Thursdays are the days I feel like I'm running kids around from sunrise to sunset -- school, voices lessons, piano lessons, band class and soon, soccer practice. I do love Thursdays, but I definitely need coffee to help me prepare for the day -- it's my quiet time. Relaxing with coffee and the newspaper is my form of meditation:-)

Coffee links:



Next on my list of books to read:

The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs

Favorite quotes of the week from my boys:

Trent -- "Reading non-fiction is the coolest thing in the world."

Luke, explaining his inability to "teach" our cat, Sophie -- "I tried to do kitty school with her, but she ran away, so I guess we only do it in the summer."

LOVE these boys so, so much! They make me laugh so hard every day of my life:-) Lovely!!!!!!


RootAnn said...

I read an article about the AJ Jacobs book "A Year of Living Biblically." Looked very interesting. When you are done, let me know if you recommend it.

I am trying to read "The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Definitely above my usual reading level, but a gift from a brother who believes I can handle it. Can't let him down!

Hope you are enjoying the warmer weather today.

Homeschool Mama said...

Ann, I'll let you know!