Monday, January 21, 2008


School went well and quickly today. I took time to read aloud the Emancipation Proclamation as well as the Gettysburg Address. I then read a bit of history about MLK and the Civil Rights movement, including some of Dr. King's own words. Trent and I discussed how race is still a problem in our country. In the words of MLK, someday "we shall overcome" all of this. That will be a lovely day:-)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Snowy Day

Well, it's sunny now, but we've just had our second snowfall in two days. Did I mention I detest everything associated with winter? So here's my remedy:

When the snow begins to get me down, I picture myself with the perfect nude lipstick, with family and friends, sitting someplace delightful, like a little outdoor cafe in Omaha or KC. It's a beautiful sunny evening, and winter is so far away.

That's my happy place, for now, during these long winter days:-)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Year, New Attitude

I've made a whole bushel of resolutions this year. Normally I think doing this is kind of silly, but this year, for some reason, I am determined to live, as Thoreau once said, deliberately. So here are, in no particular order, my resolutions for a lovely 2008.

I will surround myself with people who truly inspire me and whom I truly like. I am 36 years old now, and I feel I have a certain right to be choosy about who I spend my time with. It's important for my spiritual and mental well being to hang out with people who are creative, fun, positive and above all, faith filled! My family certainly fits the bill, but so do other people in my life. I resolve to connect more with these lovely souls:-)

I will read voraciously. Well, I already do this, but in particular I resolve to read more Church history, natural history, more American and world history. Although I studied literature for many years, I have recently devoted all of my time to reading non-fiction. Still plan to go heavy on the poetry though -- a little Billy Collins is a very lovely thing!

I resolve to commune more with nature. Yes, sounds a bit silly considering I have always been more interested in shoes, shopping and lipgloss, but last year the boys and I were outside all of the time, and it was wonderful. Plan to be outside, no matter where it is, even more.

Other resolutions: daily Mass, Kansas City, shopping, garage sales, fishing throughout Nebraska, more music, more coffee & conversation, more writing, the open road, more laughing over silly things, much, much more photography.

Monday, January 14, 2008

It's Been So Long!!!

It's been so long since my last post, but the holidays have come and gone, and so here I am again, blogging away about all of the lovely things in my life. The holidays were a very lovely thing this year -- lots of family, fun and love:-)

We've gotten back into the swing of school, and this semester has been a blur of school work and grading homework assignments. Trent is progressing deeper into algebra and biology, and I am trying to stay one step ahead of the game so I look like I know what I'm doing! I'm reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn aloud to Trent in the evenings, and Luke loves the adventurous Huck as well!!! We are also closely following the presidential election process, and we're planning a trip to the Nebraska unicameral in Lincoln before the end of the 2008 session in May. Trent has certainly learned a lot about civics, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the election process this year!

We've gotten out quite a bit this month to Omaha and Lincoln, and I hope to get to Kansas City soon for a girl's weekend with my friend Melissa -- maybe a little jazz club downtown and a trip to the Sephora beauty counter?

I have made a resolution to spend more time in 2008 with people I really enjoy. Of course, that includes Carl and the boys, but also good friends -- Melissa, Jen, Rachael, etc. It's a lovely thing to know so many great people!

I've also made a resolution to laugh a lot more. No one makes me laugh harder than my friend Melissa Pratte -- sometimes we laugh so hard our sides hurt! So Melissa, this blog is dedicated to you -- you're beautiful beyond belief, you're a confident, educated woman, you are so funny, and I love you. No one is EVER out of your league!