Monday, April 21, 2008

Library Love

It's a lovely spring day, and I've been thinking about some of my favorite places in the world -- libraries and bookstores. For me, there is nothing more relaxing and beautiful than a library or a new or used bookstore. I grew up reading Nancy Drew while curled up in a chair in my hometown library, and I have been a supporter and patron of all sorts of libraries since becoming an adult. In graduate school, I spent two blissful years working in a university library; I also did a good bit of studying there!

Bookstores, too, entrall me and comfort me. Barnes & Noble, Borders or some of my favorite used bookstores all make me feel indescribably happy. So, here are some links to my favorite libraries and bookstores. Happy reading!

Jackson Street Booksellers in Omaha's Old Market

Barnes and Noble



Morton-James Public Library in Nebraska City, NE

Northwest Missouri State University Library, Maryville, MO

Also, had a lovely telephone conversation with an old friend over the weekend. Sad circumstances -- his dad died -- but great to visit with one of my best friends from high school:-)


Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Quote of the Day:

"All of my stories are about the action of grace on a character who is not very willing to support it."
Flannery O'Connor

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