Monday, April 14, 2008


A sunny, if chilly day here in southeast Nebraska. I want to write about how thankful I am for friends. There are those people with whom we are thrown together, for one reason or another, and with whom we become acquainted, although they are never really, truly our "cup of tea." A recent incident has brought home for me the importance of finding, and keeping, really good, true friends. These lovely people, rather than being people who only want to hear from us when news is good, are people we can count on and trust to stick with us through it all:-). What a blessing it is to have friends who share in our joys and triumphs, but who also stick around to support us when we are down or need to vent our frustrations and sadness. For me, these people are so invaluable! Thanks Melissa P., Jodi, Rachael, Mom, Pixie. I love you!

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